Blogs on "Economic Trends" - Page 4

How to Approach Pricing Amid Supply Chain Turmoil

How to Approach Pricing Amid Supply Chain Turmoil

Although cities are opening up and cautiously returning to a semblance of normalcy after a pandemic-stricken 2020, global supply chain shortages, delays, and disruptions have significantly impacted pricing. All types of commodities, including lumber, steel, copper and even chicken, are currently see...

How to Respond to Prolonged Inventory Shortages

How to Respond to Prolonged Inventory Shortages

There’s a shortage of inventory across the board. We as consumers are the last to feel it. B2B manufacturers, distributors and logistics providers have been living with the squeeze for months.The SituationYou’ve seen the headlines, and probably experienced the impact in your personal life. There’s a...

B2C is a Predictor of B2B

B2C is a Predictor of B2B

I’m of an age where I can remember in B2B when the internet was a novelty (“I just sent a customer an email!”)  and big data consisted of a room filled with filing cabinets that contained 300 years' worth of green b...

In Times of Crisis, Data and Communication Prevent Panic

In Times of Crisis, Data and Communication Prevent Panic

With U.S. jobless claims at an all-time high, hospitals in large cities becoming overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases and supply chains in disarray, a natural human response is to panic. We’re all feeling a mix of uncertainty and fear, two emotions that can lead to rash decisions in our personal lives an...

The Cost of Hesitation for B2B Companies in Uncertain Times

The Cost of Hesitation for B2B Companies in Uncertain Times

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “He or she who hesitates is lost,” or “He/She who hesitates is last”? The 1930’s iconic actress Mae West once remarked “He who hesitates is a damned fool.” Hesitation can be a more comfortable stance, especially in uncertain times such as we’ve seen in 2020 and carry...

Why Customer Retention is Vital to Your Success This Year

Why Customer Retention is Vital to Your Success This Year

Be honest with yourself. How many accounts have you lost in the last 12 months where you had no indication that things were about to churn? If your business is responsible for many thousands of customers, the answer is quite likely, “I’m just not sure.” It’s fine to say this. Aft...

How B2B Manufacturers Will Build Momentum in 2021

How B2B Manufacturers Will Build Momentum in 2021

What happens when “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” runs headlong into “Necessity is the mother of invention?” The manufacturing industry showed us in 2020 that the latter wins out in this battle of aphorisms. Rarely have we seen a time in which the stuck-in-its-ways manufacturing sector trans...

Leading From the Front: A Q&A with Greg Peters

Leading From the Front: A Q&A with Greg Peters

With MindShare 2020 wrapping up today, we sat down with Zilliant President and Chief Executive Officer Greg Peters for a candid discussion on 2020’s economic impact on B2B companies, why now is the time to embrace commercial innovation, his vision for the future of pricing and sales, and more.Q: We...

Zilliant Thought Leaders in the News: A Roundup of Recent Articles

Zilliant Thought Leaders in the News: A Roundup of Recent Articles

As the leading price optimization and management solution provider, Zilliant is often called on to provide insights into the latest B2B industry trends and tactics to navigate unprecedented disruption. In August, Chief Marketing Officer Lindsay Duran and Chief Scientist Jon Higbi...

The Future of B2B Sales Amid COVID-19 Disruption

The Future of B2B Sales Amid COVID-19 Disruption

Over the course of the past few decades, the organization and structure of B2B sales teams has settled into a nice, predictable pattern. The best, most tenured reps are out in the field, making the daily donut drop with the very best customers, building relationships and taking orders. An inside sal...

COVID-19 Zoom Out: Be Ready for Prolonged Demand Drops and Employee Turnover

COVID-19 Zoom Out: Be Ready for Prolonged Demand Drops and Employee Turnover

In an ongoing blog series, we are exploring how companies can endure the COVID-19 pandemic with innovative short-term tactics while also strategically planning for a post-pandemic business environment. Check out the first two entries here and here.B2B manufacturers, distributors and services compani...

COVID-19 Zoom Out: Post-Pandemic Inventory and Allocation Planning

COVID-19 Zoom Out: Post-Pandemic Inventory and Allocation Planning

In an ongoing blog series, we are exploring how companies can endure the COVID-19 pandemic with innovative short-term tactics while also strategically planning for a post-pandemic business environment. Check out the first entry here.There is no one currently conducting business that has ever dealt w...

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