Zilliant Price Manager

Drive revenue with a single source of pricing truth

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Price Manager Overview

Zilliant Price Manager acts as a single source of pricing truth and helps pricing teams action new prices faster and with greater accuracy. Price managers can manage multiple price lists, quickly adjust prices based on market conditions and business rules, analyze the impact of price changes, and publish prices to ERP, CRM, and CPQ systems. Spend less time focused on price execution and more time devoted to pricing strategy.


Break free of data silos and streamline pricing processes

Transparently manage price lists to execute new prices faster and more accurately than ever before

Reduce time spent manually fumbling through data and disparate spreadsheets

Pricing managers can get bogged down in spreadsheets slowing down strategic pricing decisions. Bring all your pricing together in one, central location and say goodbye to manual data management. Zilliant Price Manager acts as a single source of pricing truth empowering pricing teams to go from pricing admins to strategic decision makers.

Proven pricing strategies for proven revenue growth

Take the guesswork out of pricing with pre-defined pricing strategies. Zilliant Price Manager gives pricing teams prebuilt pricing scenarios and cost passthrough strategies that take the complexity out of pricing. Teams no longer need to blindly make pricing decisions or rely on questionable Excel calculations. Implementing price strategies is faster and far easier with Zilliant Price Manager.

Deliver prices with the touch of a button

With Zilliant Price Manager, pricing teams can publish prices directly to sales, partners, or customers via self-serve portals. Immediately update prices in your ERP, CRM, and CPQ systems to foster cross functional alignment and maintain pricing consistency and accuracy across channels.

Featured Article

10 Signs You Have a Broken Pricing Process

Read this blog post to discover the 10 most common symptoms of a broken pricing process.

10 Signs You Have a Broken Pricing Process Featured Image

Transform Pricing Processes and Gain Efficiency

List Price Management
Set and manage multiple price lists all in one place for streamlined pricing.
Customer-Specific Pricing
Analyze the impact of customer-specific factors to react more quickly to changes in the market.
Exceptions and Discounting
Review the impact of discounts with Scenarios where you can quickly apply discounts and overrides at global, country, and regional levels.
Cost Build Ups
Evaluate costs across the price waterfall to build up to a desired price to stop leaving margin on the table.
Visualize the Pricing Waterfall
Gain a deeper understanding and further transparency into price changes to make data-driven decisions.
Pricing Engine
Integrate with all major ERP, CRM, and CPQ solutions to streamline price delivery to key stakeholders.

Are you ready to learn how Zilliant can help you overcome your pricing challenges?

Reach out to us today to learn how we can help!